English II Honors
Teacher: Robert G. Pierce
Email: pierceb@duvalschools.org or dolfan@myway.com
Teacher website
is: http://boston.redsox.tripod.com/
Course Descriptions and Objectives
Students will be focused
on FCAT benchmarks and Sunshine State Standards. The majority of the standards
will be accomplished through reading and writing in compliance with Duval County’s
performance based curriculum. Reading
and writing skills will be incorporated in daily classroom instruction. The objectives
for this course are that students will become more fluent readers, critical and analytical thinkers, adept speakers, active
listeners, and proficient writers. Upon completion of FCAT testing students will
begin AP style writing to prepare for their junior year in AP Lang & Comp..
Grade Distribution
The grading scale
is: A= 100%-90%; B=89%-80%; C=79%-70%; D=69%-60%; F=59% and below. Writing: 45%;
Tests/Quizzes: 25%; Classwork 15%; Homework 15%.
Attire and Behavior
The Student Code of Conduct will be enforced. Respect for all individuals
at all times is required. Students must be seated and working when the tardy
bell rings. A reminder: the TEACHER dismisses the class, not the bell. Writing on school
books and/or desks is vandalism and will be dealt with accordingly. No food or
gum is allowed in the class. Cell phones or any other electronic devices are
NOT allowed in the classroom; cell phones being used or going off in class and calculators being used will be taken and returned
at the end of the day or given to Ms. Gates. Students are required to dress appropriately
according to the Student Code of Conduct.
Females should make sure that midriff and upper body areas are not exposed. Male
students should wear pants at the waist. Hats are not to be worn. THERE WILL BE NO EATING IN CLASS. NONE.
Each student is required
to bring to class: regular
sized white notebook paper, assigned textbook, three differently colored highlighters, a spiral notebook, and blue or black
ink pens to class. All work is to be done in blue or black ink.
I will not accept work done in pencil. Each student will maintain a writing
portfolio and is to never leave the classroom. These materials will be kept in
a file cabinet in the classroom and may be collected by the principal without notice.
This happens. Students may want to purchase post-its. Colored markers and/or crayons might come in handy later, as well.
Coming to class is mandatory! Students must have an official readmit to enter class after being absent. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about make-up work or work missed due to absence. Following Duval County Public School policy, a student has
the number of days he is absent to make up the work. For example, if a student
misses three classes, upon returning to class he has three classes to turn in all make up work. Students should inquire about make up work BEFORE class begins.
Make Up Work
See Attendance and all work is to be completed prior to distribution
of progress reports at mid-quarter. Work missed after progress reports is to
be made up prior to quarter exams.
If a student
has been absent they are to see me before school, after school, or during my lunch break to get what work was missed. Tests are to be made up during one of these times upon returning to school. Any work not made up upon returning from an absence will be scored a zero.
Any class work not done during class when a student is present will be scored a zero.
Academic Integrity Policy
Students are expected to
take pride in their own work. This means all work is done with honesty and integrity. All work is to be your OWN work. The school academic integrity policy will be enforced.
Grade Recovery/Safety Net
I will be available to meet
with students before school from 7:40 AM until first period begins. Let me know
in advance you want to meet if at all possible. Make up work will be done out
of class; you will have as many days to make up your work as you were out of class.
No more. This is your responsibility.
If I do not get your make up work within this time frame you will receive a 0 for all assignments missed.